What do lean management and outsourcing have in common?
Outsourcing is a management model that bases its strength on collaboration. The name is a combination of three English words: "out" "resource" and "using," which means, translated into Polish, "using external resources." It is nothing more than the transfer of part of the burden that is placed on the enterprise for its operation to an external contractor. In basic terms, we distinguish between two types of this mode of management:
- outsourcing full - involves signing a contract with a partner for the comprehensive implementation of tasks facing the company,
- outsourcing selective - as the name suggests, we deal with it only when we select a single element of the company's business and put it under external contracting.
Outsourcing and the Polish enterprise
About the interest in the concept outsourcing in Polish organizations is evidenced by the results of a survey of the 250 largest companies. Based on it, it can be concluded that 94% large companies in Poland outsource at least one of their activities.
The areas most frequently mentioned are information technology (62%) and training and other forms of professional qualification (55%). Supply chain also scores high, especially since it is actually a concept not found in many service activities. Lower in popularity are finance and accounting (24%) and human resource management (19%).
Outsourcing - the miracle diet
In the first article, we compared lean management to try to lose some weight and train at the gym. His basic principles proved to be regularity, consistency and control. Sticking to the analogy of a gym session, lean management to outsourcing is like losing weight to a proper diet. It is a tool that, in this way of management, allows us to discard what is unnecessary and focus on the efficient operation of the organism that is our company.
In other words, one of the basic concepts lean management constitutes outsourcing. It allows to realize the strategic goal of the company - to focus on the key activities of the company, determining the prospect of its development.
Match your diet to your expectations
Outsourcing in concept lean management gives the entrepreneur the freedom to choose the right partners and conditions, in order to develop the most effective strategy for the business. However, everyone has a different understanding of redundant processes in the company, not at all or slightly affecting the revenue of the entire enterprise. For this reason, we can distinguish outsourcing:
- task - involves the contracted partner sharing tasks that are related to the functions performed by the parent company,
- personal - is based on selecting employees, specialists in a particular field, and transferring them to other operating systems of the organization's structure,
- property - is contained in the separation or liquidation of assets redundant to the business of the enterprise, related to the separated function,
- organizational - presupposes the exclusion of the system of operation performing the separated function from the company,
- management - the most popular; it involves rebuilding the management system both in terms of legal issues and the sheer decision-making power of people in the company, which streamlines day-to-day operations.
No yo-yo effect
The above elements outsourcing must be taken into account each time when planning a venture to implement rules lean management.
Their size and importance should depend on:
- the type of business being spun off - if we want to solve personnel problems in the company using this method, we will not give them the same importance as those concerning the company's financial problems,
- forms of separation - lean management is characterized by a different meaning, depending on whether we entrust part of the tasks, so far regularly performed by our employees, to another internal unit or an external company,
- relationship forces - if the activity covered by this method is strongly linked to many areas of the company's operations (for example, when we are talking about outsourcing the model and compensation system to an external company), we will assign it a relatively higher rank than trying to develop a better organization in the HR department.
You know what to do, it's time to act!
Going back to the gym analogy, not enforcing the rules correctly can carry undesirable results. In that case, why tire yourself out while exercising without sticking to the other rules of weight loss, such as diet or regularity of the workout itself? Remember that in order to lean management proved effective, it must first of all be implemented in accordance with specific principles, one of which is precisely the appropriate use of the outsourcing.
Konrad Kulakowski
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