Case study

Analysis of information flow for PKP S.A.

Analysis of the course of information for the Polish State Railways S.A.

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Over a period of two months, our team prepared an analysis of the course of information for our client, Polskie Koleje Państwowe, one of the state-owned companies. The client approached us because he wanted to better understand the information circulation process for train punctuality.

What activities were included in the project?

During the first part of the project, we conducted 50 in-depth interviews and we analyzed 150 surveys completed by those who participated in the survey. As a result, we were able to come up with research hypotheses about the causes of existing inefficiencies.

In the second stage, our main task was to mapping the causes of resulting delays and Mapping of available information systems to improve the information exchange process and systems that allow for more efficient traffic control.

In addition, to confirm our recommendations, we contacted an employee of the Deutsche Bahn, which allowed us to Identifying best practices for our client.

Results of consulting for PKP S.A..

The provided report enriched with recommendations allowed Polish State Railways to Optimizing the process of exchanging information on train punctuality. In addition, our team has prepared a dedicated map of information flow processes in notation BPMN.

This non-standard implementation confirms our flexibility and adaptation to the needs of the client, whose satisfaction with the project is reflected in the reference letter we received from the Polish State Railways.

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