Case study

Project support for BauApp Poland

Employee outsourcing to support marketing and sales of BauApp Poland company

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Consulting service for BauApp

In June 2020, ConQuest Consulting provided a qualified consultant on behalf of BauApp as part of its outsourcing service To support marketing and sales activities.

What activities were included in the project?

The consultant's responsibilities included: CRM database optimization, i.e. cleaning the database of potential contractors, organizing the data and desk research for completing additional information. These include, among others, the scope of activities of the base's entities, contact information and website. In addition, our consultant supported the company in its ongoing operational activities.

Consulting results for BauApp

Outsourcing an employee allowed the company to increase the efficiency of company processes and saving time due to the lack of need to delegate these tasks to other employees. Activities have also contributed to reducing the cost of operations.

The company itself expressed itself this way about our cooperation:

"The consultant demonstrated such qualities and skills as conducting secondary research, accuracy, analytical thinking, conscientiousness, teamwork, and a high level of English proficiency. 

The consultant's work was reliable, he followed our requirements and needs. For this reason, we recommend ConQuest Consulting as a company that provides quality business consulting services."

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