Case study

Support for BookBeat AB's overseas expansion

Study of Polish market for ebooks, audiobooks
and e-commerce

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Consulting service for BookBeat AB

The ConQuest Consulting team carried out a two-month period on behalf of BookBeat AB, a Swedish audiobook streaming platform, on behalf of BookBeat AB, a Swedish company. An analysis of the Polish ebook, audiobook and e-commerce market. The company approached us because it needed support in getting to know companies offering similar services in the new market wishing to carry out foreign expansion.


What activities were included in the project?

The scope of the project concerned Market and competitive analysis, based on commercial databases and in-house development. In addition, in order to understand the needs of Polish consumers, the following were carried out CAWI survey on 3 different target groups. It is a technique for collecting information in quantitative market and public opinion surveys, in which the respondent is asked to complete a survey electronically. The research sample size for the entire survey was 923 people, which allowed for a thorough understanding of consumer needs. The preparation of the report required careful processing of secondary and primary data which allowed BookBeat to provide valuable consumer insights.


Consulting results for BookBeat AB

The results helped BookBeat AB understand the Polish ebook, audiobook and e-commerce market. The company, thanks to our support, has successfully entered the domestic market by opening a Polish branch of the company and all the time is developing its business there by promoting its products more and more strongly.
If you are in a similar situation to the one described above and plan to conduct a survey on a specific group of respondents, find out their opinion on a particular topic or enter a new market - you will be able to find out what they think. contact us. Let's work together to determine how we can help you get the information your business needs!

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